Screening of the following films:Film: The DoorDirected by Hamed AqobeYemen - Fiction - 2006 - 30min.Film: MawalDirected by El-Shrif El-TarybkMorocco - Documentary - 2005 - 8min.Film: SuppositionDirected by El-Shrif El-TarybkMorocco - Experimental - 2005 - 8min.Film: 30 YearsDirected by El-Shrif El-TarybkMorocco - Fiction - 2006 - 14min
Screening of the following films:
Film: The DoorDirected by Hamed AqobeYemen - Fiction - 2006 - 30min.
Film: MawalDirected by El-Shrif El-TarybkMorocco - Documentary - 2005 - 8min.
Film: SuppositionDirected by El-Shrif El-TarybkMorocco - Experimental - 2005 - 8min.
Film: 30 YearsDirected by El-Shrif El-TarybkMorocco - Fiction - 2006 - 14min
Contact Person: Ahmed Nabil Phone: 1972 Email: