
The BA Center for Islamic Civilization Studies is organizing a lecture entitled «From Mu'allaqat to Facebook: Illuminations on Arabic Cultural Texts», delivered by Dr. Kamal Abdel Malik, former Professor of Comparative Literature at Brown University and former researcher at Harvard University.

The lecture will be held on Monday, 30 September 2024, from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm, in the BACC Delegates Hall.

The lecture addresses the texts of Arabic culture throughout the ages, by touching upon several topics in this regard, including the Mu'allaqat, language and speech-making, literary arts, biography and translations, customs and traditions, wonders and curiosities, the relationship between Arabs and the West, and blog posts on social media platforms.

The lecture sheds light on the phenomenon of collective creativity in these anthologies, where excerpts from previous or contemporary works are combined without referring to their authors.

The lecture also explores the contrast between literature that aims to educate and literature that seeks to entertain and amuse, focusing on the commonalities between these works and social media platforms, in terms of their expression of people’s ongoing need to communicate and strengthen human relationships.

For more information:

Email: islamic.civilization@bibalex.org



Event Schedule

Location Date From: To: Activity Admission
BACC Delegates Hall 30 Sep 2024 15:00 17:00 Lecture Registration