The beginnings of Animation in Egypt.
Frenkel Brothers Films

National Defense
Egypt – Animation – 1939 – 14 min.

Tête Dure
Egypt – Animation – 1950 – 2 min.

The Secret of Happiness
Egypt – Animation – 1950 – 2 min.

The Smart Student
Egypt – Animation – 1949 – 3 min.

You Are Right Othman!
Egypt – Animation – 1949 – 2 min.

On the Nile’s Bank
Egypt – Animation – 1947 – 2 min.

The Clever
Egypt – Animation – 1949 – 9 min.

Bon Appétit!
Egypt – Animation – 1946 – 11 min.

The Screening is coordinated by ASIFA Egypt, the regional chapter of Internationale du Film d'Animation (ASIFA), introduced by Dr. Mohamed Ghazala, and is followed by a seminar with the Animation Filmmaker Showikar Khalifa (in Arabic).


Event Schedule

Location Date From: To: Activity Admission
Main Building – Auditorium 26 Sep 2010 19:00 21:00 Cinema Open For Public