Amr Hamzaway Talks about the Revolution, its Future and Achievements at the BA

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The BA witnessed on Wednesday, 16 March 2011, a Lecture by Dr. Amr Hamzawy, Research Director and Senior Associate at the Carnegie Middle East Center, in which he tackled the current situation in Egypt and discussed four main issues: the situation since 25 January 2011, challenges of the democratic transformation, the role of the people in building modern Egypt, and the constitutional amendments.

Hamzawy stated that the Revolution was an unprecedented popular uprising with many significant achievements. However, he believes that some institutions, laws and mechanisms of the ex-regime still exist, and that the Revolution has a long road ahead with several challenges to face.

Hamzawy went on to state the challenges that face the democratic transformation in Egypt. He stressed that the “continuous political participation” is up to the people themselves, and should not be predetermined. On the constitutional amendments, Hamzay sees this as a personal decision and that it is only normal that people feel a sense of confusion during such transitional phases. He stressed that whatever the constitutional referendum brings about, it will never lead to catastrophic consequences.

The complete lecture is available via the BA Webcast Service.
