Moataz Bellah Abd El-Fattah in the Dialogue Forum Seminars

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The BA Dialogue Forum organizes a seminar on Saturday, 14 May 2011, entitled “Tomorrow’s Egypt: Challenges and Duties” hosting Dr. Moataz Bellah Abd El-Fattah, Professor of Political Science, Cairo and Michigan Universities, and moderated by Dr. Abd El-Fattah Mady, Professor of Political Science, Alexandria University.

The seminar tackles post- Revolution challenges; Moataz Bellah Abd El-Fattah sees the 25th of January Revolution as very successful on the political level, however there is now an urgent need to reflect this success on the economical and social levels. The seminar explores ways to keep the momentum of the Revolution until it achieves all its objectives.

It is worth mentioning that the Dialogue Forum holds two seminars monthly tackling different areas of knowledge and science, and hosting senior Arab and Egyptian officials, intellectuals, and scientists.

The seminar will start at 6:00 pm at the BACC Great Hall, and is open for public.
