The Closing Ceremony of SAVE Program for Health Awareness at the BA

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The General Collections and Services Department at the BA and SAVE youth initiative, in cooperation with the UNHCR, organize the closing ceremony of SAVE Program for Health Awareness, for the second consecutive year on Wednesday, 17 October 2018, in the BACC Great Hall.

The program was held this year under the theme “Stop Watching and Act", with an aim to provide basic medical knowledge and emergency medicine to participants in an effective way through lectures, workshops and awareness campaigns given by qualified medicine students under the supervision of medicine professors at Alexandria University.

SAVE (Star Alert, Victims Everywhere) was established in 2014 as a non-profit initiative to raise awareness and spread the health culture in the society. The initiative is committed to preparing participants to deal with victims in emergency cases and enabling them to feel the value of helping others.

This year witnessed the participation of 132 participants, in addition to a number of participants through the UNHCR. Many Syrians and Africans also took part in the program in order to help them break the barriers, practice citizenship, and strengthen their engagement in an interactive environment.

The program was launched on 28 August 2018, and its events continued for almost a month and a half. They included different lectures on burns, strokes, poisoning, injections, brain injuries and unconsciousness, cancer, influenza, Hepatitis, AIDS, some psychological disorders and depression, among others. There were also a number of workshops where participants applied the information they gained in a practical and interactive way.
