An Open Letter to the Public

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Different Media outlets have been discussing BA-related issues, more often than not, without full perspective. As a result, rumors and false information have been spread without any evidence, some of which even defy logic. The BA issues this open letter to the public, not by way of defense or apology, but in an aim to ensure transparency, ending fallacy and promoting comprehensive dialogue that rests on correct information.

Firstly: Concerning Mrs. Suzanne Thabet
Fallacies have been spread about Mrs. Suzanne Thabet (Suzanne Mubrak) chairing the Board of Trustees (BOT). Some have inventively claimed that she is still the chairperson of the BOT, while others, adding a novel’s plot, go on to say that she receives a monthly salary from the BA. Our reply goes as follows: 1) Mrs. Suzanne Thabet, just like all Egyptian, Arab, and foreign BOT members, has never received a salary from the BA. BOT membership is voluntary. 2) The BA is attached to the President according to Law No. 1 of 2001. Presidential decree No. 76 of 2001 states that the President, or whomever he delegates, shall chair the BOT. Mubarak delegated his wife, Mrs. Suzanne Thabet, to chair the BOT. On 11 February 2011, when Hosni Mubarak was no longer the President of Egypt, his delegation to Suzanne Thabet became no longer valid, and that was the end of her relation with the Library.

Secondly: Concerning Work Conditions
The BA is an institution that works on building capacities of its personnel and developing human resources through education, training and communication. One visit to the BA is enough to prove that it provides its staff with an excellent working environment. The BA is also keen to ensure reasonable living standards to its employees. Before the 25 January Revolution, the Library set EGP. 1100 as a minimum monthly salary for all staff members; in addition a health insurance system provides medical coverage for all employees. The BA maximum salary is 30 times the minimum salary, less than the suggested governmental maximum standard which is 35 times. During the past months, the staff have presented some demands and the management has responded to most of them. A committee formed of trustworthy public figures as well as representatives of the staff, has been entrusted to amend the BA Personnel Statutes. Within few days, the proposed amendments will be submitted to the BOT for approval, after internal discussion at the BA. Another committee has been formed from among the staff members to follow up on management response to staff demands.

Thirdly: Concerning Corruption
A lot of debate is going on about corruption and squandering public money at the BA. Although we have all evidence to refute this, we will not engage in such a discussion as we believe that this should be resolved by auditing authorities .

The BA’s achievements have allowed the Library to occupy a significant position amongst the world libraries in only 8 years, as well as to chair the World Digital Library (WDL). All these achievements, of which we are all proud, have been accomplished by Egyptian youth, without any foreign expertise. However, this is not a list of achievements, this statement is a message to the public. With this statement, we only seek to respond to the accusations and rumors that have been circulating without enough evidence.
