The BA Narrative Review Explores the Features of Arabic Narrative

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“Features of Arabic Narrative in the First Decade of the 21st Century” is the latest project launched by the BA Narrative Review in 2019.

Writer Monir Otaiba, Supervisor of the BA Narrative Review, says that an agreement was reached with a number of critics from different Arab countries to conduct studies that highlight the important characteristics of narrative in the first decade of the 21st century in their countries, and that meetings will be arranged at the BA for each critic to discuss his/her study. Mr. Otaiba also noted that the project will present in its next step the features of Arabic narrative in the second decade of the 21st century.

The BA Narrative Review is a series of literary workshops held every Tuesday at the BA. These workshops seek to nurture the writing skills of young Alexandrian authors, build networks between writers from different generations, and launch an active critical movement that will build bridges between critics in Alexandria, Egypt, and the Arab world at large
