New Publications at the BA

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Within the Memory of Modern Egypt Series, the BA will soon release its catalogue Al-Bareed fi Bar Masr (The Mail in Egypt), documenting the history of mail in Egypt.

Compiled by Researcher Abd El-Wahab Shaker, the catalogue tackles the emergence and development of the mailing and postage system in Egypt, the Egyptian stamps, and the postal service hierarchy.

The BA will also release a volume on the architecture of Al-Azhar, featuring the BA contribution in this regard, covering over 2 years of work.

The volume will be released in Arabic and will be issued later in English and French. It is the first fruit of the collaboration between the BA and Al-Azhar, organized by a committee formed to that end.

The committee has planned a number of activities to be launched soon, including the documentation of the pilgrimage path in Africa, holding cultural activities in the house of Imam Mohamed Abdo in El-Darassa, Cairo, and turning the old building of Masheyakhat Al-Azhar into a museum.
