Serageldin Gives a Keynote Speech at the Summit of the Book

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At the first International Summit of the Book, Dr. Ismail Serageldin, Director of the Library of Alexandria, gave a keynote speech which received a standing ovation from a large gathering of leaders in academia, libraries and technology.

Organized and hosted by the Library of Congress, this open-to-public event was the inaugural summit of a global dialogue that will be held annually to debate and discuss the powerful role of the book in information transmittal.

Speakers at the two-day summit included Caroline Brazier, Director of the British Library; Anton Likhomanov, Director General of the National Library of Russia; Glòria Pérez-Salmerón, Director of the National Library of Spain; Ramón Mujica Pinilla, Director of the Biblioteca Nacional del Peru; and John Kgwale Tsebe, National Librarian of the National Library of South Africa.

The next summit will be held in Singapore in August 2013.
