Training Course: "Qualifying People with Disabilities for the Labor Market in the Fields of Creative Arts"

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The BA Arts Center is organizing a training course entitled "Qualifying People with Disabilities for the Labor Market in the Fields of Creative Arts.” The course will be presented by Prof. Dina Adel, Professor of the Approaches and Methods of Teaching Art Education at the Faculty of Specific Education, Alexandria University; Dr. Zeinab El-Shorbagy, PhD in the Philosophy of Art Education and Visual Arts Facilitator; and Eng. Ahmed Abdel Maksoud, Visual Arts Facilitator.

The course will be held from Sunday, 22 September to Tuesday, 22 October 2024.

The course will take place on Sundays and Tuesdays, from 10:00 am to 3:30 pm, at the Arts School: 16 Iman St., off Horreya Road, Roushdy.
