Egypt and the Nile Basin Countries in the Dialogue Forum Seminars

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The BA Dialogue Forum holds on Saturday, 28 May 2011, a seminar entitled “Egypt and the Nile Bain Countries”, hosting Dr. Nader Noureldin, Professor of Water Resources, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, and is moderated by Dr. Maher Saleh, Head of Soil and Water Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University.

The Seminar tackles several issues including an orientation about the Nile and its sources, the Nile Basin countries and the water share, reasons of dispute between riparian (upstream) countries and the two downstream ones-- Egypt and Sudan, and the Nile Basin Agreement.

Noureldin in a an eminent water and food expert, and has several publications in Arabic on the issue.

It is worth mentioning that the Dialogue Forum holds two seminars monthly tackling different areas of knowledge and science, and hosting senior Arab and Egyptian officials, intellectuals, and scientists.

The Seminar starts at 7:00 pm at the BACC Lecture Hall, and is open for public.
