MOU between the BA and the National Parliamentary Library of Georgia

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A Delegation from the National Parliamentary Library of Georgia (NPLG) visited the BA on Monday, 19 September 2011, a landmark not only in Egypt, but in the whole region, to explore potential collaboration opportunities.

Dr. Ismail Serageldin, Director of the Library of Alexandria, and Mr. Emzar Jgerenaia, Director of the NPLG Department of Science, Culture and Civil Education signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between both libraries to foster mutual cooperation.

Both the BA and the NPLG agreed on the development of international book exchange for quality improvement of libraries' holdings; the establishment of cooperation, research and development programs in the fields of cataloguing, automation, digitization and interlinking between libraries; development of training programs for library professionals; and organization of lectures, training, conferences and exhibitions.

They will also exchange specialists in all branches of library science for the purpose of ongoing professional development and workplace learning; and in the field of preservation and restoration of documents.
