International Youth Day

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On Wednesday, 15 August 2012, the BA Depository Library, in cooperation with the United Nations Coordination Office in Cairo, celebrates the International Youth - an awareness day observed by the United Nations since 2000.

The celebration gathers youth initiatives and civil society organizations that play a crucial role in raising youth capacities and leadership skills. Participating initiatives and organizations present their mission, objectives and activities at the BA Plaza. A workshop will be also organized for all participating initiatives and organizations around the issues of poverty, education, health, human development, and entrepreneurship. Each initiative/organization shall present its future scope of action for development and future projects.

The theme of International Youth Day 2012 is "Building a Better World: Partnering with Youth", a global call to action to develop and engage in partnerships with youth.

This Celebration will help in creating a forum for the various initiatives and youth organizations in Alexandria in order to enhance and sustain social development, and provide more opportunities for youth.
