“Women and Democratic Transition in Egypt” Dialogue Forum

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The BA Center for Democracy and Social Peace Studies and the Egyptian Feminist Union in Cairo, in partnership with Peace Women Across the Globe (PWAG) organize a dialogue forum and an exhibition on women, peace and security on 23 and 24 November 2012 entitled “Women and Democratic Transition”.

The event seeks to enable Egyptian Women to overcome threats and challenges facing them. The focus is on advancing the political participation and involvement of Egyptian women in the public sphere and the decision making process; emphasizing the importance of constructive dialogue; and gender equality in the constitution and legislation.

Participants, including the most notable representatives of the Egyptian women’s movement alongside decision makers and government representatives, will set up an effective action plan to be implemented shortly after the event.

Parallel to the Dialogue Forum, PWAG will show the exhibitions “1000 Peace Women Across the Globe” and “No Women – No Peace” emphasizing the importance of women in peace processes, showing examples from Liberia, Burundi, Nepal and other post- conflict countries in the world.

This Dialogue Forum is funded by the Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Other Partner Organizations include Alliance of Arab Women, Enlightened Egypt, Karama Organization, Women and Development Association, Appropriate Communication Techniques for Development (ACT), and the Egyptian Center for Women’s Rights.
