Hybrid Workshop: “Applied Research: From Lab to Market” Part 2

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The BA Center for Special Studies and Programs (CSSP), in cooperation with the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, is organizing a hybrid workshop entitled "Applied Research: From Lab to Market Part 2", from 15-16 April 2025.

The workshop aims to provide researchers with a PhD degree with the necessary skills to market their applied research through interactive sessions that will discuss a number of topics including linking scientific research with industry, the mechanisms of marketing scientific research using modern digital means, and entrepreneurship in the field of applied sciences.

Applications for the workshop are received electronically via the following link: www.bibalex.org/cssp/asrtbaworkshop2  

The workshop is intended for Egyptian and African researchers with a PhD under the age of 45 in one of the following fields: Engineering and Technological Sciences, Food and Agricultural Sciences, Environmental and Medical Sciences. It is worth noting that the workshop is "hybrid", thus requiring in-person and online attendance.

The deadline for receiving applications: 5 April 2025.

This workshop is part of the joint "Postdoctoral Grants Program" between the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology and the BA. It is funded by the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology and managed by the BA Center for Special Studies and Programs (CSSP). Through this program, applied research projects are funded over two rounds in the fields of engineering and technological sciences, food and agricultural sciences, and environmental and medical sciences for researchers with a PhD degree under the age of 45.
