The Role of Youth in Modernization and Reform Conference closes

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Alexandria, 24 February 2005—Today, 24 February 2005, witnessed the closing session of the Role of Youth in Modernization and Reform Conference, organized by the Arab Reform Forum at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA), in collaboration with the Summit of Youth Employment, the Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services (CEOSS), and Nahdet El Mahrousa Organization.

The event, which began yesterday, 23 February, provides a platform for members of Egyptian youth to share and exchange their ideas on the reasons and projects for modernization such as Youth and Economic Development; Learning and the Building of a Knowledge Society; Culture: Opportunities and Challenges; and Participation. For each of these topics, questions and ideas were presented to help them start the discussion and come up with relevant applicable projects. This is in addition to preparing a one-year work plan. The Forum will also prepare and publish the studies and analyses within the different panels upon their evaluation, on the Forum website and in a book, to facilitate their accessibility by the public.

The inauguration included speeches by Dr. Ismail Serageldin, Director of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Dr. Hossam Badrawy, Head of the Education Committee in the People’s Assembly, and Mr. Nabil Samuel, Director of CEOSS.

In his speech, Dr. Serageldin welcomed the youth members participating in the conference, stating that their input in the process of modernization and reform is vital as they will be the future beneficiaries. He added that this conference will mark the initiation of notable projects that will continue to grow and expand till they include participation by most Arab youth. He also pointed out that the conference aims to enhance communication between the youth and BA and that BA is committed to implementing the proposed recommendations.

Mr. Nabil Samuel’s speech followed, where he asserted his pleasure at organizing a conference that enhances youth involvement. He presented some key points to the participants for them to use as a basis for their discussions. They included the optimal use of accumulative knowledge, the enhancement of intellectuality, as well as the civil work that aids reform.

Dr. Hossam Badrawy then referred to previously held reform conferences and forums, and advised the participants to learn from these experiences. He also added that the coming forum will concentrate on the recommendations that come up during this meeting, and stressed the need for team-work, scientific thinking, and transparency in dealing with each other.

The working groups were comprised mainly of youth as they will be the ones making the final recommendations. Specialists in reform and modernization projects helped moderate the discussions to ensure efficient use of time. They also helped them in writing up their recommendations, proposals, and expected results to present them to the other groups.

In the closing session, Dr. Hossam Badrawy, presented the 17 projects proposed by the participants in economical, cultural, social and political fields. The projects included Using Media to spread Political Awareness among Children; the Ideas and Dreams of Youth for Egypt’s Future in 2025; and Founding a Center to coordinate between Scientific Research and its Implementation.

Dr. Serageldin concluded the Forum by reiterating his faith in the youth being able to partake in positively changing and affecting the economy, and the world.

The Opening Session
