Launching of the peace studies Institute in Alexandria

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Alexandria- H.E. Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak inaugurated the opening ceremony of the Peace Studies Institute, (which is to be hosted at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina) in association with the global women for peace movement. The opening ceremony extends over the 15 and 16 February, during which many of its goals and objectives are discussed.

Dr. Ismail Serageldin, Director of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, stated that the institute aims at carrying out research and studies in order to support the cause of the women for peace movement. The movement aims to promote the culture of peace in the Arab countries and the world; organize trainings and research to augment safety and human peace; as well as expand the role of women and youth in the peace building process.

It’s worth mentioning that the institute intends to accomplish many of its projects through cooperating with institutes on the regional and international level, the first of which is the collaboration with The University for Peace in Costa Rica. Dr. Serageldin added that the institute aims at establishing a database comprising all the international studies, researches, and papers related to peace, in addition they aspire to cooperate with international organizations in order to organize conferences, workshops, lectures, as well as invite scientists, lecturers, researchers and experts in the peace studies to contribute. Moreover, they aim to publish scientific publications and researches, books, journals, and periodicals in the peace field, moreover, encourage youth to contribute and interact through programs and initiatives and finally, support and promote for the studies and research in peace field and disseminate information of peace and resolving disputes to the public.

The institute will focus on six areas which include: Law, ethics and human rights; Conflict resolution and post-conflict regions; Mediation and Negotiation in theory and practice; Promotion of the culture of peace; Human security and Peace; and Gender and Peace Building.

The opening ceremony was attended by many distinguished guests, among which are the Egyptian Nobel laureate Mohamed El Baradei, Nobel laureate David Trimble, Nobel laureate Betty Williams, Bishop Desmond Tutu, Ambassador Theodore Winkler, Director, Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), Geneva, Shafik Gabr, Chairman of the Arab Business Council, judge Nabil El-Araby, David Arkless, Senior Vice President of Cooperate Affairs, Manpower, Dr. Rama Mani, Academic Director, Geneva Centre for Security Policy.

Alongside the ceremony three books were launched which are “Wounds of War”, “Trafficking Women and Children”, and “Women in an Insecure World”.


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