Search results for "Main Library"

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“The Future of Global and Egyptian Stock” in a Webinar at the BA

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The Bibliotheca Alexandrina organizes a webinar entitled “The Future of Global and Egyptian Stock” on Sunday, 28 March 2021, at 2:00 pm. It will be delivered by Dr. Sayed El-Seify, Professor of Finance and Investment, and Dean of the Faculty of Commerce, Alexandria University. The event will tackle ...

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“Serious Games” in a Webinar at the BA

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The BA Library Sector organizes a webinar titled “Serious Games: Promising Opportunities for Better Health and More Exciting Learning”, delivered by Dr. Ahmed Morsi, Head of the Biomedical Engineering Department, at the Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University. It will be broadcast live on Sunday, ...

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The BA Celebrates World Arabic Language Day 2020

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Coinciding with the World Arabic Language Day celebrations taking place every December, the BA Library Sector organizes a webinar entitled “Between Intellect and Language” on Monday, 14 December 2020, at 3:00 pm. It will be delivered by Dr. Medhat Issa, Head of the BA Manuscripts Center. The ...

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