Search results for "The Bibliotheca Alexandrina International Book Fair"

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Alexandrina International Book Fair

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The BA holds its 10 th International Book Fair from 27 March to 8 April 2014, with the participation of several Egyptian and non-Egyptian publishing houses. The Guest of Honor for this round is the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO). The Fair is accompanied by ...

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Alexandrina International Book Fair

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The BA, in cooperation with the Egyptian Publishers Association, organizes the Ninth Alexandrina International Book Fair from 23 March to 7 April 2013, with Morocco as the guest of honor. A substantial number of publishing and printing houses from Egypt, the Arab World and Europe are expected to ...

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A Free Comprehensive BA Book Fair Guide for Mobile Phones

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In response to the Book Fair visitors’ needs, a free mobile application has been made available to the public by the BA to help guide them through each wing of the Book Fair. The application includes the location of each publishing house, a list of the books being distributed in the Fair, as well ...

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