Search results for "The Bibliotheca Alexandrina International Book Fair"

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International Participations in the BA Book Fair

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The BA has begun its preparation for its annual international book fair, which will open on 21 March, with the participation of Saudi Arabia, USA, France, and Kuwait. Taking part in the cultural activities that will be held during the fair is also Denmark and Spain. The Book Fair will organize a ...

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A Busy Cultural Agenda at the Alexandria International Book Fair

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Alexandria— A rich cultural program takes place on the fringe lines of the BA Alexandrina International Book Fair, held from 25 February to 14 March 2010, with the participation of publishing houses and cultural institutions from several Arab countries. The guests of honor for this eighth edition ...

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France and Mauritania Guests of Honor at the Alexandrina Book Fair

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Alexandria— The BA Alexandrina International Book Fair hosts, in a new tradition this year, two guests of honor from Europe and Africa, in an attempt to reflect the history and civilization of the city of Alexandria , which is based on pluralism and diversity. The Alexandrina International Book ...

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