Alexandrian Environment in the Dialogue Forum Seminars

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Alexandria— The BA Dialogue Forum organizes a seminar on Saturday, 6 February 2010, entitled “Alexandria and Environmental Issues”. The Seminar will host Former General Prosecutor and Chairman of the Board of Friends of the Environment Association, Mohamed Abdel Aziz El-Gindy. The Seminar is ...

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France and Mauritania Guests of Honor at the Alexandrina Book Fair

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Alexandria— The BA Alexandrina International Book Fair hosts, in a new tradition this year, two guests of honor from Europe and Africa, in an attempt to reflect the history and civilization of the city of Alexandria , which is based on pluralism and diversity. The Alexandrina International Book ...

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The Young People’s Library Mid Year Program

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Alexandria— The BA Young People’s Library is organizing a Mid Year Vacation Program from 7 to 18 February 2010. The program includes activities to enhance computer, internet and research skills; art, crafts and science workshops; mind and vocabulary games; competitions; lectures; sessions and ...

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