Search results for "The Bibliotheca Alexandrina International Book Fair"

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African Art…in the Alexandrina International Book Fair

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Alexandria— The BA launched the translation of the book entitled "African Art: World Bank Collection" by Alexander Marc and translated by Kassem Abdo Kassem, on the occasion of the fourth Alexandrina International Book Fair. The book is a group of essays and pictures, and is the first to be ...

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The First Arab Book Fair in Alexandria

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Alexandria- the BA will participate in the First Arab Book Fair to be held in Qaitbay Citadel, Alexandria from 23 August until 1st September 2006. The book fair will comprise 92 pavilions, in which 80 publishers from more than 12 Arab States will participate. The Arab states participating in the ...

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Sixty Thousand Visitor to the BA International Book Fair

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Alexandria— the BA International Book Fair witnessed an increasing number of visitors amounting to about 60 thousand visitors during the past two days. In other news, the Arab League Educational Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALESCO) donated a complete copy of the it"s publications to the ...

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