The BA Planetarium Science Center is organizing a Summer Festival that includes  a wide variety of fifteen workshops tailored for three different age groups.

For more information about Summer Festival workshops please click here.

  • When we come out of the dark into the light, we could say that instead of seeing things in black and grey, we see colors. Without light, colors do not exist.
  • But how can light enable us to see them? And how is it that two colors mixed together make a third? Why do the crystal drops of a chandelier cast rainbows on the wall when they catch the light? Why is it that the sky is not always the same color?
To answer these questions we must find out more about light as well as color, and discover the colors which we can see and those which are hidden.


Event Schedule

Location Date From: To: Activity Admission
Main Building B1 - Meeting Room H 10 Aug 2008 10:00 14:00 Workshop Open For Public
Main Building B1 - Meeting Room H 11 Aug 2008 10:00 12:00 Workshop Open For Public