
The BA Antiquities Museum is organizing a seminar titled “A FreshView of the History and Importance of Mersa Matruh through New Archaeological Discoveries” to be held on Tuesday, 8 May 2018 at 12:00 noon in the third floor (F3) Floating Room at the BA. The event will feature a number of archaeologists who have made recent discoveries in Mersa Matruh, such as temples, tombs, and presses. The seminar will address the connection between the Theban Triad of gods—namely Amun, Mut, and Khonsu—and Zeus Ammon in Siwa Oasis (Amun Oasis) through presenting a comparison betweenthe forms of Ancient Egyptian and Greek deities. It will also tackle the designplans and styles of temples in Siwaduring the first and second centuries CE, which adopted the Roman model in terms of design plans and using a mixture of Pharaonic, Greek, and Roman architectural elements and styles (mixed and merged styles). It will present how architecture in Siwa was influenced by Alexandrian architecture, architecture around other Egyptian provinces during the Graeco-Roman period, and- to a lesser extent- by architecture popular in Cyrenaica.


Event Schedule

Location Date From: To: Activity Admission
Main Building – Third Floor Floating Room 08 May 2018 12:00 15:00 Lecture Registration

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