"Sketch Your Future" is an annual conference targeting high school students, with an aim to explain to them the difference between school and university, and the nature of universities, colleges, departments and specializations, as well as job opportunities for which they can qualify.


Event Schedule

Location Date From: To: Activity Admission
Plaza (1) 7 - 8 July 2019 09:00 20:00 Conference Open For Public
BACC Great Hall 7 - 8 July 2019 09:00 20:00 Conference Open For Public
BACC Multipurpose Hall 7 - 8 July 2019 09:00 20:00 Conference Open For Public
BACC Lecture Hall 7 - 8 July 2019 09:00 20:00 Conference Open For Public
BACC Small Theater 7 - 8 July 2019 09:00 20:00 Conference Open For Public
BACC Conferences Secretarial Office 7 - 8 July 2019 09:00 20:00 Conference Closed meeting