Eastern side- horizontal inscription
Htp-di-nsw wsir nb Ddw xnty-imntw nTr aA nb AbDw di.f xt nb(t) nfrt wabt xA m t Hnqt kA Apd Ss mnxt anxt nTr im n kA n imAx(y) nxt -anx mAa-xrw
An offering which the king gives to Osiris, lord of Djedu, Khentyimentu, great god, lord of Abydos, so that he may give everything good and pure: a thousand of bread and beer, ox and fowl, alabaster and linen, on which a god lives, for the ka of the revered one, Nakhtankh, the justified.
Vertical inscriptions from north to south
imAx(y) xr imsti nxt-anx imAx(y) xr Sw nxt-anx mAa-xrw imAx(y) xr gb nxt-anx mAa-xrw imAx(y) xr dwA-mwt.f nxt-anx mAa -xrw
The revered one before Imseti, Nakhtankh. The revered one before Shu, Nakhtankh, the justified. The revered one before Geb, Nakhtankh, the justified. The revered one before Duamutef, Nakhtankh, the justified.
Western side- horizontal inscription
Htp-di-nsw inp(w) xnty sH-nTr tp(y)-Dw.f im(y)-wt nb tA Dsr qrst nfrt m is.f nfr n Xrt-nTr imAxy xr nTr aA nxt-anx mAa-xrw
An offering which the king gives to Anubis, the one before the divine booth, the one on his mountain, the one in the wt, lord of the sacred land: a good burial in his wonderful tomb of the necropolis; the revered one before the great god, Nakhtankh, the justified.
Vertical inscriptions from north to south
imAx(y) xr Hpy nxt-anx mAa-xrw imAx(y) xr tfnt nxt-anx mAa-xrw imAx(y) xr nwt nxt-anx mAa-xrw imAx(y) xr qbH-snw.f nxt-anx mAa-xrw
The revered one before Hapi, Nakhtankh, the justified. The revered one before Tefnut, Nakhtankh, the justified. The revered one before Nut, Nakhtankh, the justified. The revered one before Qebehsenuef, Nakhtankh, the justified.