Search results for "Planetarium Science Center (PSC)"

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Super Science Show

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The BA Planetarium Science Center holds on Thursday, 27 December 2012, the Super Science Show for children from 6 to 15 years old. The Super Science Show is a dynamic and highly motivational activity that gets children involved in exciting hands-on experiments in the fields of physics, biology, ...

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“From Pyramids to Spacecraft” Exhibition

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The BA Planetarium Science Center (PSC) hosts “From Pyramids to Spacecraft” exhibition, at the PSC History of Science Museum. “From Pyramids to Spacecraft” is a traveling exhibition that displays selected projects by the design studio “Architecture and Vision”. The exhibition is open until 10 ...

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Children and Young People Summer Programs at the BA

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In its attempt to play an active role within the community, the BA focuses its activities on public outreach. The Library creates special outreach programs that serve the needs of public, especially children, young people, and people with special needs in and around Alexandria. Primarily ...

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Children’s and Young People’s Summer Programs at the BA

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As part of its active role within the community, the BA creates special outreach programs that serve the needs of public, especially children, young people, and people with special needs inside and outside Alexandria. Primarily interested in developing their young users’ skills and enriching their ...

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