Search results for "Sinnari House"

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“The Future of the Leftist Movement in Egypt” Workshop

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The BA Unit of Futuristic Studies holds on 25 and 26 December 2013 a workshop entitled “The Future of the Leftist Movement in Egypt” at the BA Cairo-based Sennary House. The workshop seeks to trace the influence of the Revolution on the Leftist Movement in Egypt, and the future potentials. It ...

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Sennary House September Activities

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The BA Cairo-based Sennary House holds several activities in September 2013. Activities include a number of educational courses such as Restoration of Historic Buildings, Basics of Restoration, Fundamentals of Manuscripts Editing, Ancient Egyptian Language, Egyptology, and Islamic Art and ...

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“Moulid Exhibition” in Sennary House

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The BA Cairo-based Sennary House, in cooperation with the BA Center for Documentation of Cultural and Natural Heritage (CULTNAT) the “Moulid” event on Saturday, 22 June 2013. The Event features the “Moulid Photography Exhibition” by Javier Menendez Bonilla; a Spanish Photographer who has traveled ...

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