Search results for "Arts Center"

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“Art Salon: Black and White” Exhibition

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The BA Arts Center holds the Second Round of “Art Salon: Black and White” exhibition for Egyptian contemporary art, including works by 100 artists from various generations and art schools, from 24 August to 14 September 2010. The Salon proposes the issue of erasing boundaries between painting and ...

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The BA International Biennale for the Artist’s Book

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The BA Arts Center holds the 4th round of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina International Biennale for the Artist’s Book from 22 April to 25 May 2010. A workshop precede the Biennale, held at the Alexandria Workshop Center from 15 to 19 April 2010, with the participation of 15 artists from 12 countries, ...

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Arts Center Offers Production Grants for Theatrical Performances

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Alexandria— The BA Arts Center opens call for application for the “theatrical performances production grants” program amounting to 10,000 L.E. This initiative encourages young theatre directors to hold their performances, promotes freedom of expression, and fosters values of dialogue and ...

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Samir Ouf Films at the BA

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Alexandria— The BA Arts Center organizes, within its Cinema Program, a Short Films Forum on the first Sunday of each month. This Forum, held on Sunday 3 January 2010, focuses on Director Samir Ouf. Three of his short films will be screened: El-Kahira 1830 (Cairo 1830)1969; Waghan Fi El-Fada ...

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