The Second Alexandrina World Music Festival

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The BA Arts Center holds the Second Alexandrina World Music Festival from 23 to 26 April 2010, hosting troupes from 6 Mediterranean and European countries: Egypt, Cyprus, Greek, Romania, Italy and Austria. The main theme of this festival is the unity within the diversity of music found across ...

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BioVisionAlexandria 2010 Comes to a Close

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BioVisionAlexandria 2010 Conference came to a close on Thursday, 15 April 2010. Titled “New Life Sciences: Future Prospects”, BVA 2010 was organized by the BA Center for Special Studies and Programs (CSSP), with around 1980 participants from different scientific fields and backgrounds. Richard ...

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Cairo Salon Discusses the Culture of the Mashreq and Maghreb

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The weekly Cairo Salon TV show, presented by Dr. Ismail Serageldin, Director of the Library of Alexandria, dedicates a special episode to the issue of the culture of the Mashreq and Maghreb (eastern and western Arab countries). The episode will be aired on Friday, 16 April 2010, at 20:30 hrs, on ...

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BA Hosts Mediterranean Writers

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The BA hosted on 10 and 11 April 2010 a Roundtable entitled “Ecrire la Méditerranée”, organized by the Mediterranean Prize (le Prix Méditerranée) and the Mediterranean Center for Literature (le Centre Méditerranéen de Littérature -CML). The Roundtable was held under the auspices of HE Mrs. Suzanne ...

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