The Third Archaeological Cultural Season at the BA

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Alexandria— The BA is organizing the Third Archaeological Cultural Season on the Ancient Egyptian Heritage by Dr. Abdel Halim Nureldine, Professor of Ancient Egyptian Language, Faculty of Archeology, Cairo University and Advisor to the Director of the BA. The lectures will start on 17 September ...

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The Planetarium Science Center Summer Activities Comes to an End

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Alexandria— The BA Planetarium Science Center is holding a celebration on the occasion of the end of its summer activities on Saturday 30 August 2008. Participants will be awarded certificates. The celebration includes a speech by Engineer Hoda Mikaty, Director, BA Planetarium Science Center, ...

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Serageldin Discusses Teaching Science in Cairo Salon

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Alexandria— In this week’s episode of the “Cairo Salon” TV Show, aired on Channel One every Saturday following the 9 o’clock news bulletin, Dr. Ismail Serageldin, Director of the Library of Alexandria, will discuss teaching science through several themes including ways to develop and strengthen ...

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“Wikipedia Arabic Day” a Workshop at the BA

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Alexandria— The BA is organizing a workshop entitled “Wikipedia Arabic Day” on Saturday 30 August 2008. The workshop aims at introducing to Internet users how to contribute to open electronic encyclopedia, to urge the large number of Internet users to participate in writing and editing according ...

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