International Year of Biodiversity (IYB 2010)



The year 2010 has been declared the International Year of Biodiversity (IYB 2010) by the United Nations. It celebrates the diversity of life on Earth, including every animal, plant and micro-organism. On the occasion, the PSC has launched a public awareness campaign about biodiversity, in order to reveal and emphasize its significance and importance as well as promote action to ensure its future health. The year-long campaign encompasses a diversity of interactive activities that tackle a variety of biodiversity aspects.

Biodiversity Exhibition

From: 09 November 2010 To: 24 November 2010

The year 2010 has been declared the International Year of Biodiversity (IYB 2010) by the United Nations. It celebrates the diversity of life on Earth, including every animal, plant and micro-organism. On the occasion, the PSC organizes a diversity of activities related to the theme. Among the activities also adopted by the PSC is the Biodiversity Exhibition. It will allow the public to explore Earth’s incredible variety of wildlife, habitats, and cultures; to learn more about how each benefits and supports the others.

Sustainability Workshop

From: 21 June 2010 To: 31 December 2010

The year 2010 has been declared the International Year of Biodiversity (IYB 2010) by the United Nations. It celebrates the diversity of life on Earth, including every animal, plant and micro-organism. On the occasion, the PSC organizes a diversity of activities including the Sustainability Workshop. It introduces the concept of living within our limits; understanding the interconnections among economies, society, and the environment; as well as providing equitable distribution of resources and opportunities.

Ecosystem Services Workshop

From: 21 June 2010 To: 31 December 2010

The year 2010 has been declared the International Year of Biodiversity (IYB 2010) by the United Nations. It celebrates the diversity of life on Earth, including every animal, plant and micro-organism. On the occasion, the PSC organizes a diversity of activities including the Ecosystem Services Workshop. It briefs children on the meaning of biodiversity and its significance in our lives, as well as its three main levels; ecosystems, species and genetic diversity.

Biodiversity Conservation Workshop

From: 21 June 2010 To: 31 December 2010

The year 2010 has been declared the International Year of Biodiversity (IYB 2010) by the United Nations. It celebrates the diversity of life on Earth, including every animal, plant and micro-organism. On the occasion, the PSC organizes a diversity of activities including the Biodiversity Conservation Workshop. It aims to emphasize biodiversity conservation efforts close to home, acquainting students with protected areas, conservation centers, and local management techniques.

Biodiversity and Climate Change Workshop

From: 21 June 2010 To: 31 December 2010

The year 2010 has been declared the International Year of Biodiversity (IYB 2010) by the United Nations. It celebrates the diversity of life on Earth, including every animal, plant and micro-organism. On the occasion, the PSC organizes a diversity of activities including the Biodiversity and Climate Change Workshop. It acquaints students with the huge impacts that the small changes in temperature could cause on many of our native species and habitats.

Adaptation Workshop

From: 21 June 2010 To: 31 December 2010

The year 2010 has been declared the International Year of Biodiversity (IYB 2010) by the United Nations. It celebrates the diversity of life on Earth, including every animal, plant and micro-organism. On the occasion, the PSC organizes a diversity of activities including the Adaptation Workshop. It revolves around physical adaptation, which helps living organisms obtain food, stay safe, build homes, withstand weather, and attract mates. Through a number of activities, the workshop explains to children how animals use physical characteristics to adapt to the different environmental conditions.

Food Chain Workshop

From: 21 June 2010 To: 31 December 2010

The year 2010 has been declared the International Year of Biodiversity (IYB 2010) by the United Nations. It celebrates the diversity of life on Earth, including every animal, plant and micro-organism. On the occasion, the PSC organizes a diversity of activities including the Food Chain Workshop. During the workshop, students learn how every living organism plays a specific role in the food chain of life through a series of hands-on activities that teach them more ecosystems, life cycles, food chains and food webs.

Field Trips and Camps

From: 21 June 2010 To: 31 December 2010

The year 2010 has been declared the International Year of Biodiversity (IYB 2010) by the United Nations. It celebrates the diversity of life on Earth, including every animal, plant and micro-organism. On the occasion, the PSC organizes a diversity of activities related to the theme. Among the activities also adopted by the PSC are Field trips and Camps; their main objective is to get the children out of the classroom and into nature to experience and study the diversity of life directly.

Series of Lectures

From: 21 June 2010 To: 31 December 2010

The year 2010 has been declared the International Year of Biodiversity (IYB 2010) by the United Nations. It celebrates the diversity of life on Earth, including every animal, plant and micro-organism. On the occasion, the PSC organizes a diversity of activities related to the theme. Among the activities also adopted by the PSC is a series of Lectures, where prominent scientists, artists, and public figures share their perspectives on biodiversity.

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