
College Admissions and Scholarships Workshop

From: 03 February 2020 To: 03 February 2020 Age Group: 13 -16 years

Acquiring the Golden Ticket: Journey to International College Admissions and Scholarships


(Guidelines on how to maximize the attendees’ potential through the study abroad opportunities, the path to admission in partial and full-ride scholarships, international colleges and universities, and the selection of the most appropriate choice among available scholarship programs).

Duration: 180 Minutes

Language: English Only

The Absolute Book

From: 12 March 2018 To: 12 March 2018 Age Group: 15 -35 years

Is it possible to find a book containing all knowledge?
The Absolute Book explores different paths in this quest, which generates infinite alternatives that exceed human understanding

Duration: 60 Minutes

Language: English with Arabic

Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Discovering the Magic in Tiny Particles

From: 17 July 2011 To: 17 July 2011

This seminar will provide an introductory overview for the emerging field of nanometer scale science and technology.

A Journey to the Fascinating World of Chemistry; a Lecture by Dr. Hakim Fouad Hakim

From: 10 July 2011 To: 10 July 2011

Chemistry is involved in everything in our daily life; it is one of the main reasons of the development of many countries; the more people pay attention to chemistry, the more industry and economics in these countries will rise.

The Homo sapiens Report: The Future of Humanity

From: 03 March 2011 To: 03 March 2011

Homo Sapiens, Latin for “wise man” or “knowing man”, is the species that you and all other living human beings on this planet belong to. “A Homo Sapien is the organism that can know what is true, right and lasting”, says Dr. Michael Wadleigh.

Eclipses of the Sun and the Moon - A public Lecture

From: 04 January 2011 To: 04 January 2011

On the morning of Tuesday, 4 January 2011, a partial solar eclipse will be visible in the skies of Egypt. Solar eclipses are among the most magnificent natural phenomena. They occur when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun. In Alexandria, where the eclipse will begin at 9:03 am, the Moon will cover approximately 55% of the Sun’s apparent diameter. The eclipse will last 3 hours, and will also be visible in most of Europe, North Africa, and central Asia.

How Our Health Depends on Nature: A Lecture by Dr. Eric Chivian

From: 30 December 2010 To: 30 December 2010

Dr. Eric Chivian’s talk will examine the relationship between human health and biodiversity, looking at some case studies of medicines and of medical research models derived from Nature, and discuss how ecosystem services sustain all life, including human life, on Earth.

Influenza A (H1N1), from Prevention to Treatment

From: 08 July 2010 To: 08 July 2010

The Bibliotheca Alexandrina gladly hosts Mr. Hakim Fouad Hakim, who will be giving a lecture under the title "Influenza A (H1N1), from Prevention to Treatment", on 8 July 2010, at the BA Conference Center Great Hall.

"Nanotechnology, New Design for Future Applications"; a lecture by Dr. Mona Bakr Mohamed

From: 29 October 2009 To: 29 October 2009

The Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA) Planetarium Science Center hosted Dr. Mona Bakr Mohamed, National Institute of Laser Enhanced Science (NILES), Cairo University, who gave a lecture on Nanotechnology called "New Designs for Future Applications" on 29 October 2009. The lecture took place at the Great Hall, BA Conference Center.


Nanotechnology...A Look into the Future!

From: 29 March 2009 To: 29 March 2009

The importance of science in general and nanotechnology in particular is increasing profoundly and rapidly. Nowadays, we are in great need of studying, understanding, and applying this highly effective field of science that is brimming with potential; as well as monitoring its progress and following in the footsteps of its development.

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