Relation Between CHD Events and LDL-C in Recent Statin Trials
- Recent trials of the statins, which have included data from
30,817 patients in total, have demonstrated a near linear relation between LDL-C
levels and CHD events.
- Data from primary-prevention studies (WOSCOPS) and
secondary-prevention studies (CARE, 4S) demonstrate that lowering LDL-C levels results in
fewer CHD events.
- Data from two very recent trials, the Air Force/Texas
Coronary Atherosclerosis Prevention Study (AFCAPS/TexCAPS, primary prevention) and the
Long-Term Intervention with Pravastatin in Ischemic Disease (LIPID, secondary prevention)
study showed similar beneficial results of statin treatment on reducing CHD risk in
patients with average lipid levels.
- Two major conclusions can be drawn from these
groundbreaking trials: