This graph shows as brain "learns to defend" in
repetitive hypoxic condition: A global three minutes hypoxia of brain causes a
reversible inhibition of protein synthesis, that which takes as pattern. If the
process repeats each one hour: 60% of hippocampus pyramidal cell's degeneration
it is only obtained, but, if pattern is applied each six hours, then only they
degenerate in 20%. If the same pattern is applied then every 12 hours a quite
good protection it's obtained in front of lethal ischemic insults later. The
opposing more effective combination is that of an isquemia of 5 minutes and
following day one of 10 minutes, that which leaves to brain protected completely
in front of ischemic lethal insults.(Modified of GarcĂa-Salman D. Vascular
Brain Experimental Physiopathology Laboratory of National Institute of Neurology
and Neurosurgery of Cuba).