- Hospitals represent a vital disaster resource to local communities. After an NBC terrorist attack, all victims will be taken to EDs regardless of the institution’s level of preparedness. It is essential that hospitals develop an understanding regarding the consequences of a terrorist attack and apply this information to their disaster preparedness activities.
- Hospitals must be prepared to expand their scope of services in order to treat victims of an NBC weapon attack. This will require hospitals to stockpile certain antidotes, provide various levels of PPE, and commit to training appropriate staff. Special teams may need to be assembled that have unique knowledge and training in NBC weapons, decontamination, and antidote therapy. In some circumstances, these individuals may be called upon to interact with local response teams [such as HMRTs and metropolitan medical strike teams (MMSTs)] at the incident site. Together, the roles and responsibilities of these emergency care providers fall under the auspices of the local Incident Command System.