For a thorough list of clinically relevant medications and
their cyp enzymes please consult the excellent website provided by the University of
Illinois at http://medicine.iupui.edu/flockhart/clinlist.html Of the hundreds of cyp enzymes in nature only about 9 seem to be
relevant to drug interactions. Many other enzymes are present in man such as the enzymes
involved in the steroid pathway enzymes ie: 17 alpha hydroxylase, etc. There is an
excellent searchable database at http://www.gentest.com/human_p450_database/index.html
in which one can look up specific research documents regarding specific drug interactions.
There is also the P450 Homepage maintained by Dr. David Nelson http://drnelson.utmem.edu/CytochromeP450.html
which provides extensive links regarding the basic science of p450 systems. |