I am currently
interested in the individual differences in susceptibility to cancer. How
does the genetic variation that exists in the human population manifest in
differences in disease susceptibility? Will we be able to assess disease
predisposition for most people at an early age so they can choose life
styles or frequent screening that will lead to better health? Will there be
an individualized medicine? In order to learn more about the principles
underlying the genetic complexity of human phenotypes we can hope to learn
again from yeast. Important questions are the number and identity of genes
that can interact synergistically to generate a phenotype, the patterns in
which they interact, and the fraction of natural polymorphisms that have
functional consequences. An investigation of these questions in yeast might
help identify the set of candidate genes that could be associated with a
particular human disease. We still have a lot to learn from yeast and other
model organisms about the nature of human disease.
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