Which of the metabolic syndrome risk factors
are we most likely to find in US adults who do not yet have T2DM? Wong and
colleagues extrapolated the incidence of individual risk factors. In men,
high WC, high BP, high TG, and low HDL-C were all very common, with high
LDL-C occurring in just over one half of the study population. In women,
high WC and low HDL-C were the most common risk factors noted, with high BP
and high TG in the 70% range, and high LDL-C just above 60%. Prediabetes
glucose levels were documented in 22% of the men and 17% of the women.
Wong ND, Pio JR, Franklin SS, L’Italien GJ, Kamath TV, Williams GR.
Preventing coronary events by optimal control of blood pressure and lipids
in patients with the metabolic syndrome. Am J Cardiol. 2003;91:1421-1426. |