

1. Atoyev K.L., Rykhtovsky V.O., Klimenko .V.I. Assessment of health risk and efficacy of therapy of liquidators of Chernobyl accident policy /Ed by L.H.J. Goossens // Proc. 9th Ann. Conf. “Risk Analysis: Facing the New Millenium”, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 1999, pp. 806-810

2. Atoyev K.L., Rykhtovsky V.O. Computer technology for health risk estimation and management // “Foresight and Precaution” ESREL 2000 and SRA-Europe ANNUAL CONFERENCE (Edinburg 2000), Belcema Publishers, 2000, Rotterdam, Netherlands, pp. 109-115

3. Atoyev K.L. Risk Assessment in Ukraine: New Approaches and Strategy of Development// Assessment and management of environmental risks: methods and applications in eastern European and developing countries -Kluwer, 2001, pp. 195-202