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Riferimenti: Indicazioni su come aiuitare i
bambini a capire gli attacchi terroristici: 1. Suggerimenti per gli adulti: con i bambini per parlare e pensare all’attacco Suggestions for Adults: Talking and Thinking with Children About the Terrorist Attacks 2. Suggerimenti per educatori: Incontro ai bisogni degli studenti Suggestions for Educators: Meeting the Needs of Students 3. Lettera della First Lady Laura Bush agli allievi delle elementari A Letter to Elementary School Students from First Lady Laura Bush 4. Lettera della First Lady Laura Bush agli Students delle medie e delle superiori A Letter to Middle and High School Students from First Lady Laura Bush 5. Il Presidente Bush Participa al lancio del Consorzio Amicizia tramite Istruzione (Friendship Through Education Consortium) President Bush Participates in Launch of Friendship Through Education Consortium 6. I dirigenti scolastici: evitare molestie a studenti Mussulmani e Arabi School Officials Urged to Prevent Harassment of Muslim and Arab-American Students Ulteriori risorse informative: American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry http://www.aacap.org/ American Counseling Association http://www.counseling.org American Psychological Association Online: Help with Trauma http://www.apa.org/psychnet/coverage.html Center for Mental Health, Settore Emergenza e Rilevazione di Disastri http://www.mentalhealth.org/cmhs/emergencyservices/ Aiuto ai ragazzi a convivere colla violenza e con i disastri http://www.nimh.nih.gov/publicat/violence.cfm Rete informativa per i genitori (National Parent Information Network), Aiuto ai bambini a convivere con i disastri http://npin.org/library/2001/n00563/n00563.html Scuola superiore per Eroi (High Schools for Heroes) http://www.hs4heroes.org National Association of School Psychologists http://www.nasponline.org Centro nazionale Disordine da stress posttraumatico (PTSD) http://www.ncptsd.org/what_is_new.html Disordine da stress posttraumatico (PTSD), Trauma, Disastri e Violenza http://www.nimh.nih.gov/anxiety/ptsdmenu.cfm Parlare ai bambini quando un disastro colpisce http://www.tpt.org/TPTspecial_edition/walsh.html Dieci spunti per aiutare i bambini a trattare con la violenza, Parenting Press http://www.parentingpress.com/resp_10_tips.html Terrorismo e bambini, Purdue University Extension http://www.ces.purdue.edu/terrorism/children/index.html University of Oklahoma, Department of Pediatrics http://peds.ouhsc.edu/ U.S. Government Information and Resources in Response to September 11th Events http://www.firstgov.gov/featured/usgresponse.html |