
LYM Session - 7 August 2011
07 August 2011

 The moderator, our colleague, AbdelAziz Fathi started the session welcoming the attendees and wishing them a blessed Ramadan, and then introduced the presenters of the day.

After that, Fahd Adel gave a presentation entitled “Ships and High Seas”. The presentation tackled the different kinds of ships. Fahd classified ships according to their function, manufacturing, motor system, etc. He also talked about the titanic accident and showed a video about it.

The second presentation was by Fares ElMamlouk and Salma ElMamlouk and it was entitled “Bio-geometry”. In this presentation both Fares and Salma explained the definition of Bio-geometry, its applications in many aspects in our lives and how can we benefit from it in the future.

Each of the presentations was followed by an open discussion in which the presenters, the attendees and Dr. Salah Soliman exchanged views about the topics presented.