
LYM Session - 22 March 2009
22 March 2009

Mr. Mahmoud Ramadan started the meeting welcoming the attendees and introducing to them the two shows of the day. First, Ahmed Mayssara, Ghadeer Mahmoud and Ismaa Ragab proceeded with the second part of their presentation about volunteering work.  The second part entitled “Discover Yourself” consisted of raising questions the answers of which verify whether one’s attitude in life is positive or negative.  Then, the presenters started talking about how voluntary work could help in self-motivation, identifying one’s abilities, gaining experience and improving one’s personality. Then, they showed a movie about Mr. Ahmed Refaat’s experience with promoting voluntary work among his students in school and surrounding community.

The next presentation was by Mahmoud Reda and it was entitled “Leadership in Practice”. Reda gave a definition of leadership and clarified that leadership starts with being more self-aware and by discovering one’s abilities and skills.  Then, he showed a movie entitled “The Secret” that mainly focused on inner peace with one’s self and on how one should focus on his/her positives and be proud. In addition, he tackled topics such as whether leaders are leaders by intuition or can do they developed, how a leader’s decision differs from anybody’s decision due his responsibilities, female leaders and how a manager differs from a leader and showed some models of leaders. Throughout the presentation, Reda used public figures as examples such as Gamal Abdel Nasser, Hitler, Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela and discussed their distinguishing characteristics.