Welcoming Note

Welcome to the Women Studies and Social Transformation (WSST) Program Website, where we believe that Women Empowerment and fostering its role in society is the key to sustainable development and social justice.

The Women Studies and Social Transformation (WSST) Program works on implementing specialized women’s studies, contributing to the formulation of policies that support women's rights and achieve equal opportunities through organizing a variety of activities, seminars and training programs. We focus on building strategic partnerships with local and international institutions to enhance positive impact in areas of women's capacity building and skills development.

We invite you to explore our website content, learn about our latest activities and training programs, and join us on our journey towards a brighter future for women and society as a whole.

Thank you for visiting our website, we look forward to your continuous interaction and support.

Rania Nofal,
Director of the Women Studies and Social Transformation (WSST) Program.


The Bibliotheca Alexandrina Women Studies and Social Transformation (WSST) program aims to focus on women studies and gender issues through the implementation of programs and activities for developing resources and fostering abilities, thus, becoming an incubator and an active promoter for change and the creation of conditions for constructive social transformation.


The Bibliotheca Alexandrina Women Studies and Social Transformation Program (WSST) will focus on the following main aspects:

  • To conduct and publish research that would measure benefit and influence public opinion, and help shape public policies on women, gender issues and the resulting social transformation;
  • To become a hub for the implementation of initiatives, projects, programs and activities that would further gender equality and ameliorate the position and role of women to guarantee a social transformation that would benefit societies and communities;
  • To design and offer training workshops and programs to raise public awareness;
  • To establish cooperation with national, regional and international institutions operating on similar scopes in order to build bridges, as well as, exchange knowledge and expertise.


13 December 2022

(cost of violence against women: confrontation dynamics and challenges)'s experts meeting

The BA program for women studies and social transformation’s organizing “cost of violence against women: confrontation dynamics and challenges” experts meeting - The meeting will be held at the 13th of December 2022, conference center – Delegates hall – which aims to open a profound debate about the huge cost that the Egyptian society pays as a result of gender-based violence. Whether this cost is tangibly can be calculated economically. Or the intangible impacts that influence the well spread cultural believes and patterns of relationships.

29 November - 06 December 2022

“Butterflies Storytelling” Workshop and Theatrical Show.

The BA Program for Women Studies and Social Transformation in cooperation with Children and Young People Libraries, National Council for Women, The UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Care Egypt Foundation, And Caritas Egypt are organizing “butterflies storytelling” workshop and theatrical show

27 November 2022

The Opening of 16 days activism against gender-based violence campaign “Together We Protect Her”

The BA Program for Women Studies and Social Transformation in cooperation with Children and Young People Libraries, National Council for Women, The UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Care Egypt Foundation, And Caritas Egypt are celebrating the launching of “16 days activism against gender-based violence campaign”