Workshop Agenda

"How to Write a Successful Research Proposal" Workshop Tentative Schedule

Thursday 8 December


9:30-9:30 am


Session I

9:30-11:30 am

• Opening Statement (CCSP)
• Workshop program & functioning
• Meaning & importance of scientific research.
• Research types
• Research, society & progress


11:30-12 Noon


Session II

12 - 1:30 PM

• A general outline of the research process
• Research vocabulary and related basic concepts
• What is a research proposal?
• Organization of its content.
• In-session practical exercise


1:30-3:00 PM


Session III

3 - 5:00 PM

• Research problems: Selection and formulation
• In session assignment
• Overall review and discussion


Friday 9 December

Session IV

9:30- 11:30 AM

• Literature Review
• How to present and make use of it?
• Illustrations
• The Conceptual framework


11:30-2:00 PM


Session V

2 - 3:45 PM

• Research theoretical/ practical Significance
• Approaches
• Illustrations
• Discussion


3:45- 4:00 PM


Session VI

4 - 5:00 PM

• Review
• In-session exercise and discussion

BA Tour

5:00-6:00 Pm



Saturday 10 December

Session VII

9:30 - 11:30 AM

• Data collection principles
• Quantitative and qualitative techniques.
• Field work


11:30 -12 Noon


Session VIII

12 - 1:30

• Selection of appropriate Technique(s).
• The triangulation method.
• Team work technique
• Illustrations


1:30 - 3:00 PM


Session IX

3 - 5:00

• Research ethics
• Research time table
• Research Budget
• Research summary
• General review and discussion