Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development (AFESD)

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Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development (AFESD)


P.O. Box 21923, Safat 13080, Kuwait


+ 965 2495 9000


+ 965 248 15750/60/70



Chairman/ Director General:

H.E. Dr. Abdulatif Yousef Al-Hamad

The Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development (the Arab Fund), based in the State of Kuwait, is an Arab regional financial institution focused on funding economic and social development, by financing public and private investment projects and providing grants and expertise in the Arab countries. Its membership consists of all countries that are members of the League of Arab States. The Arab Fund provides financing for economic development projects by extending loans, on concessionary terms, to governments and public corporations and enterprises of member States. It serves as a catalyst for encouraging the investment, directly or indirectly, of public and private capital in a manner conducive to the development of the Arab economy.

Support to Higher Education

The Arab Fund Fellowship Program provides Arab PhD holders in different fields of specialization, who have excellent academic track records, with opportunities to conduct advanced research and/or lecture in the best universities in the world.
Type of Support
A budget of KD 15,000 (USD 51,000) and an average of 5 fellowships are provided to Arab PhD holders in different fields of specialization each year.
Duration of Support
The grant is usually awarded for a period of twelve (12) months. Shorter periods may be considered only in very special cases.
Eligibility Criteria
Fellowships are open to Arab nationals, with strong academic background, who are currently working at Arab universities or research centers, and who have been accepted to conduct research and/or lecture in a foreign reputable university.
Application Procedures
● Applications must be submitted with the required documentation forms available at universities and at the website.
● The application should indicate the preferred date of commencement of the fellowship, and its duration, which should not be less than four months nor exceed twelve months.
● Applications website:
Applications are accepted all year round, but must be received at least one year prior to the date of commencement of the fellowship.
Additional Information
The Arab Fund Fellowship Program provides fixed maintenance allowances, round-trip tickets for the beneficiaries and the eligible members of their families, and limited accident and sickness insurance.