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or administrative decentralization concerns transfers of power to local branches of the central state, such as prefects, administrators, or local technical line ministry agents. These upwardly accountable bodies are appointed local administrative extensions of the central state. They may have some downward accountability built into their functions, but their primary responsibility is to central government. Generally, the powers of deconcentrated units are delegated by the supervising ministries. Deconcentration is a 'weak' form of decentralization because the downward accountability relations from which many benefits are expected are not as well-established as in democratic or political forms of decentralization.
is often used to refer to any transfer from central government to any non-central-government body -including local elected governments, NGOs, customary authorities, private bodies, etc.
Decentralization is usually referred to as the transfer of powers from central government to lower levels in a political-administrative and territorial hierarchy (Crook and Manor 1998, Agrawal and Ribot, 1999; in: Yuliani, 2004).
Governance has been defined as the rules of the political system to solve conflicts between actors and adopt decision (legality). It has also been used to describe the "proper functioning of institutions and their acceptance by the public" (legitimacy). And it has been used to invoke the efficacy of government and the achievement of consensus by democratic means (participation)
Source: UNDP
building the capacity, self reliance and confidence of beneficiaries and implementing staff and partners to effectively guide, manage and implement development initiatives (Jim Woodhill, 2006). Also known as capacity development, capacity strengthening, or empowerment.
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