Health-related stigma

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KIT Dossier Health-related stigma

Last update: Monday 27 May 2013

Unjustifiably different treatment given to different people or groups (Manse & Thompson (eds.) 1999, Combined Dictionary Thesaurus. Edinburgh, Chambers). Any measure entailing a distinction among persons depending on their confirmed or suspected health status (Carael et al., 2002).

Enacted stigma
Actual experiences of discrimination

An indicator is the measure used to assess if an objective has been achieved or what progress has been made

Participation restriction
Problems an individual may experience in involvement in life situations
ICF, WHO | 2001

Perceived or felt stigma
The fear of being discriminated against
Siyam’kela | 2003

Self or internalized stigma
The devaluation, shame, secrecy and withdrawal triggered by applying negative stereotypes to oneself
Corrigan | 1998

The belief that all members of a group possess the same characteristics or traits exhibited by some members of that group

1. A social process that exists when elements of labelling, stereotyping, separation, status loss, and discrimination occur in a power situation that allows them
Link and Phelan  
2. A social process or related personal experience characterized by exclusion, rejection, blame or devaluation that results from experience or reasonable anticipation of an adverse social judgment about a person or group. In health related stigma, this judgment is based on an enduring feature of identity conferred by a health problem or health related condition
Weiss and Ramakrishna

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