Gender, Citizenship and Governance

Workshop report of the review of the 'Gender and citizenship in the information society' (CITIGIN) research programme, 26-28 April 2011, New Delhi

Joshi, Arpita and Mujumdar, Neha and Zollman, Chloé | 2011
  • Author(s): Joshi, Arpita and Mujumdar, Neha and Zollman, Chloé
  • Publisher: IT for change (ITfC)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: information technology, gender, sri lanka, india, philippines, china, bangladesh
The Gender and Citizenship in the Information Society research programme aims to explore the notion of marginalised women's citizenship as a normative project or an aspiration for equitable social membership contained in the promise of an emerging techno-social order.

Keep women's rights alive! : WIDE's policy paper on women's rights and gender justice in the context of the Beijing + 15 review

Jussila, Susanna | cop. 2010
  • Author(s): Jussila, Susanna
  • Publisher: WIDE
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: women's rights
In thsi report WIDE calls upon the EU amd European governments to translate the commitments made in the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action into concrete objectives in ongoing policy areas by means of gender meanstreaming.

Productive safety nets for women in extreme poverty : lessons from pilot projects in Undia and Pakistan

Kabeer, Naila | 2011
  • Author(s): Kabeer, Naila
  • Publisher: Consultative group to assist the poor (CGAP)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: poverty alleviation, poverty, women, pakistan, india
This paper has analysed two pilot projects for graduating women out of extreme poverty through a ‘critical moments’ framework which sought to highlight the importance of the ‘cognitive’ elements of the processes of change brought about by development interventions.

Afghan values or women's rights? : gendered narratives about continuity and change in urban Afghanistan

Kabeer, Naila and Khan, Ayesha and Adlparvar, Naysan | 2011
  • Author(s): Kabeer, Naila and Khan, Ayesha and Adlparvar, Naysan
  • Publisher: University of Sussex. Institute of development studies (IDS)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: women, women's rights, cultural research, gender, urban areas, afghanistan
There is very little research on how ordinary Afghan women view their lives and their place within a highly patriarchal society and how their views might fit into these debates. This paper explores these issues using in-depth qualitative interviews with Hazara women and their husbands in Kabul.

Training manual on gender budget analysis

Kadiri, Dede and Fajemirokun, Bola | 2006
  • Author(s): Kadiri, Dede and Fajemirokun, Bola
  • Publisher: Development initiatives network (DIN)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: government budgeting, gender mainstreaming, training programmes, manuals, nigeria
The training manual aims to facilitate the training of individuals and groups who have limited or no knowledge of government budget processes. It has been developed as part of a project implemented in Lagos State, Nigeria, to advance women’s rights through the use of gender budget analysis (GBA).

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